

PRODUCT USAGE POST-REFUND:  By receiving a refund, you agree to remove all files downloaded from our website, and all rights to use the product will be revoked. We reserve the right to decline a refund if the client does not adhere to these conditions.

REFUND POLICY: Our refund policy only applies to the first time you purchase our product. Second-time purchases will not be permitted the same rights to refund. We understand that sometimes the timing may not be right when you purchase our product and you may return to purchase later, but please be aware second purchase refund requests will not be permitted. This is to protect our product and ourselves from individuals who may take advantage of our refund policy.

Seeking a refund on account of personal, or financial problems, ‘no use of product’ and ‘no reason declared’ are not valid reasons.

DUPLICATE PURCHASE: In the event of a billing error or duplicate billing, This Website will investigate the matter and issue a full refund if deemed necessary.

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